Monday, October 17, 2005

The baby buggy

My friends carry me
a new born divorcee
still reeling from the experience of birth
away to Buenos Aires
in a baby buggy with silver wings.

Like new parents, they make sure I get good food to eat,
enough sleep, exercise and mental stimulation.
We settle into each other's biorhythms and
I live for 2 1/2 weeks in the present tense only
(which is also the tense I am learning castijano in).

They introduce me to their friends and favorite places
make sure I see all the must see spots,
Recoleta, Plaza Doreggo, the Obelisk!

They take me out to the milongas like taking a toddler to the park for the first time.
I carry my own key and money when we go out at night
"just in case" they say.
I stand at the top of the "slide" and look down-
decide it's still too scary for more than 3 minutes at a time.

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